Our Story

Fulton Street is governed by agencies like yours who bring an immeasurable amount of experience and insight to our person-centered platform, benefiting all ASARA users.

The Fulton Street Software Story

Fulton Street Software was founded as a unique social enterprise. Our goal is to support the positive outcomes for those whom our clients serve, while maximizing operational efficiencies without sacrificing the innovation and agility of a for-profit enterprise. 

The concept for a public-private joint-venture came up in 2009 when the first version of Options™ went into production. By 2013 with a few agencies using the system and potential new clients lined up, Fulton Street Software LLC (FSS) was born with the goal of rolling out the Options™ Application and providing maintenance, support and enhancements. 

Options™ became a user-driven application focused on data collection, data management and reporting for social services agencies. As the number of users grew, so too have the available functions and features. Options™ became the system of record for our clients and users.

Customer Focused
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Fulton Street Software was founded
Our Goal

Supporting the positive outcomes for those whom our clients serve, while maximizing operational efficiencies without sacrificing the innovation and agility of a for-profit enterprise.

In 2018, ASARA™ was released as the next generation application

ASARA™ will continue to adapt to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients and those whom they serve.

ASARA™ - the next generation application

In 2018, ASARA™ was released as the next generation application that provides an integrated solution for tracking social service case management as well as financial solutions for foster care services. ASARA is a single data repository for all client services, able to share data with other internal and external systems to provide a census of all clients and services. ASARA grows as the needs of the agencies grow; we build ASARA for our clients. 

Fulton Street Software is owned 51% by social service partners, ensuring the needs of our clients are at the center of our focus. As FSS succeeds and grows, our clients and the communities they serve reap the direct benefits.

Smiles guaranteed
World class service

FSS is staffed by a dedicated team

FSS is staffed by a dedicated team with extensive backgrounds in application development and systems design, social welfare, consulting, operations, finance, and client services. The Board of Directors is comprised of key management representing the founding partner agencies and other specialties outside the social services domain.  

These include finance, management, technology, and professional services. FSS is renowned for our attentiveness to client needs. Users attest to the focus on customer service and support, and the FSS commitment to provide enhancements and expansion of the ASARA™ system.

Get Your Personal Demo of Asara!

If you are ready for a change to improve your efficiency and to lower your costs, then contact us today to schedule a personal demo where you can see everything the Asara suite offers to help you manage your social services agency. 

Ready to see how we can save your agency time and money with our suite of tools? 

Contact us today to schedule a free no-pressure demo to see how Asara is the right tool for your agency.

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